Monday, October 11, 2010

punkin predation ...

when hunting for any member
of the family cucurbitaceae
one can not overemphasize
the importance of camouflage

the safari that was ...

sunday found us travelling through pa furnace
where the changing leaves blazed as brilliantly
as the community's name suggests
you know ... like a furnace
i am saying the leaves were glorious

but as i have no photographic evidence
i will change gears to address the beasts
that crossed our paths ...

dad seemed to really enjoy
visiting moe & joe @ harner's
but i preferred visiting grandpa's dogs
perhaps because they share my love
of eating leaves

the foliage tour that wasn't ...

last week [friday to be exact]
the 'rents and i took a walk
at millbrook marsh
it was a beautiful afternoon
at least weather-wise
the autumn leaves however
were less than spectacular

that did not stop dad and me
from gettin' our photo groove on
check out the rembrandt lighting
we nailed the cheek triangle !

don't look for any evidence
of technical excellence in photo #2
but feel free to offer a caption
using the comment field
no pull my finger jokes please