today is my two-month birthday don't feel bad for not getting me a present after all ... i did get a sweet paper crown not to mention a newfound sense of calm and maturity
that was quite a painful introduction to the work of charles m schulz
on the plus side i got the "boy" room at the doctor's office complete with wall decals depicting apache helicoptors and stealth fighters mom thought they were "star wars" ships
sorry all ... it has been a long while since i typed at ya things have been a little hectic on the ranch lately we have been battling some serious snow accumulation but i am happy to report that we have made some real progress thanks to the kindness of neighbors
so now we can play a little catch up let's start with a couple images of my super bowl attire
i have been reconsidering my decision to be an actor
it is not that i am abandoning my dedication to the performing arts but rather ... i want to avoid limiting myself i am afraid of being typecast as the devastatingly handsome romantic lead
as my physical skills improve i expect to conquer the action genre
and let's not overlook my obvious comedic talents ...
it goes without saying that i also want to direct ...